Privacy Policy

Privacy policy and Data Protection: Privacy Policy (also referred to as a Privacy Notice) is a statement that describes the way the app and website collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information and data from its users. Since this application and website collects and stores information from its users this privacy policy is provided. Any user whether availing any of the services or potential user who intends to use the services offered by this application and registers with the application, the usage of application/website in the matters covered by the terms provided under this policy. This policy is technically a legal document, great effort had been made to craft a document that is both accurate and easy to understand, and obscuring hidden clauses in reams of text are not included in this. Scope: By using or dealing or communicating either by user or any other person for that matter, of this application and for the matters relating to information technology and intellectual property rights shall come within the ambit of this terms of policy. The basic objectives of this policy terms is to: Provide for consent by users to collect data, maintenance of data regarding security. Sharing of data and also withdrawal of consent. Enumerating situation and circumstances wherein cause of action or fixation of liability likely to arise. For the purpose of laying down a code to define and degree of care, caution and diligence to be adopted by any user using this application or dealing with app in any matter. Provide for various aspects such as Information Technology Aspects and intellectual property law aspects i.e. trademarks, etc. in dealing with the application. Disclaimer: it is to be understood as to applicability that terms of this policy do not in any way contradicts any law existing but only supplements it and tries to provide a framework through which various aspects as to Data collection its usage sharing, information technology and intellectual property matters in specific and other things in general are to be governed. Sections: The terms of the policy are grouped into the following sections mainly: • Interpretation. • Information Collected. • Information Technology. • Intellectual property matters. • Consent and withdrawal of consent. • Method of collection. • Storage of information. • Instructions. • Disclaimers. • Contact details. 1. Interpretation clause: The terms appearing in these rules shall be interpreted according to their natural meaning unless a different meaning is provided for the purpose of these rules to the term. Some of the meanings are hereby provided: a) “We” “us”: stand for the admin and owner of this application and website "eEgg Shop” i.e. " Sree Lakshmi Eggs" and any person acting on their behalf like partners, Managers, employees, including their assignees, licensee, executors etc. b) “You” “your” shall mean user using this application including users who purchase through the app or website. However the terms “you” “your” shall include in case of rules relating to unauthorized access, attempt to hack or violation of intellectual property rights, and offences, mean any person whether being a user or not , whether uses the application/website or not or mere visitor. c Law is to be laws that are in force in the union of India for the time being in force. d) Intellectual property law is to mean various enactments, rules, regulations notification issued there under by any authority under such enactments relating to the matters of intellectual property law that are applicable in India for the time being particularly Copy Right Act 1957 as amended from time to time and the Indian Copyright Rules, 1958 (Rules) and Trade Mark Act 1999 as amended from time to time, Trade mark (Rules) 2017. e) “Application”/”App”/website to mean the application and website of “eEgg Shop” for the purpose of providing services contained therein the application in the android and/or iOS platforms. 2. Information Collected: during dealing with the application or availing services offered by the application or by registering as user we collect the information from user, which is belongs to user ,following information is collected: • User’s Name, e-mail address and password. • Mobile phone number. • Address. • We may preserve a record of any correspondence between us. • A record may be maintained and viewed by us of any orders placed by you and or advertisements you have placed with or through the application/website. • As and when survey is conducted or questionnaires are sent to you we shall save your replies to any surveys or questionnaires that we may use for research purposes. • Details of accounting or financial transactions including transactions carried out through the application or website. This may include information such as your credit card, debit card or bank account details etc. • A report will be preserved providing details of your visits to our application/website and the resources that you access. • Information we may require from you when you report a problem with the application/website. • Information about you which we may receive from other sources. • We only collect such information when you choose to supply it to us. You do not have to supply any personal information to us but you may not be able to take advantage of all the services we offer without doing so. • Information is also gathered without you actively providing it, through the use of various technologies and methods such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and cookies. • An IP address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), so you can access the Internet. It is generally considered to be non-personally identifiable information, because in most cases an IP address can only be traced back to your ISP or the large company or organization that provides your internet access. • We may use your IP address to diagnose problems with our server, report aggregate information, and determine the fastest route for your computer to use in connecting to our application, and to administer and improve the app/website. 3. Information Technology: Ensure that the information published or caused to be published by you in not in contravention or violation of any law for the time being in force. • It is particularly of paramount importance to adhere to and ensure that none of the provisions of Information technology Act, 20002 and Information Technology rules 2011and regulations made or issued there. • Any person who whether willfully or otherwise gains or tries to gain or cause to gain or so attempts to access information available in this application/website shall be liable to be prosecuted under relevant provisions of Information Technology Act, 2000 and relevant provisions of IPC 1908, which shall be other than action or claim for damages that we are entitled and also under various applicable laws. • Access secured by way of unauthorized means is not limited to technical information but also to other information like financial personnel or other and not only of us but also of any other user. 4. Intellectual Property matters: All the materials in this application in the form of images, logos, adds, design, pattern, appearance etc. forms part of the intellectual property as the same has been developed after spending considerable efforts and money therefore any use of this information detrimental to us shall make you liable for infringement of intellectual property rights, more specifically under Copy Rights Act, 1957 and appropriate action in the form of infringement or passing off can be initiated under common law of Torts. 5. Consent and withdrawal of consent: • Ownership of Content: user shall retain all ownership rights over the content posted in the application, and we do not claim any right or title over the content part. • License over content: ownership over content lies with the user however when user uploads or submits content in the app/website for the purpose of using this application, user grants us license over the content to us. Such license allows us to use the content for the purpose of offering service and also to communicate, distribute, modify, publicly display or perform, publish, reproduce, store and use such content worldwide. This license granted by user is for the purpose of operating, promoting, marketing and improving our services. • The license so granted by user to continue even after termination of relationship. • User is entitled to withdraw the consent by giving intimation to us and we shall as far as possible try to delete the data if requested in proper format to us. 6. Method of collection: 6 Data is to be collected when you are to register with the application/website such data include name, mobile number email address etc. also when services are intended to be availed by you details like residential address are collected and stored in the application and website. 6 We shall use the data so collected is to be used by us for the purpose of providing services. 7. Storage of Information: Data collected in the application by you shall without any prior notice be used by or for the following purposes: • In any court or tribunal as evidence. • With law enforcement agencies. • With Sree Lakshmi Eggs related entities. • Service providers like marketing, advertising and Information technology. • Sister concerns or associates or creditors of Sree Lakshmi Eggs. • Third parties with whom we provide promotional offers. • In case of business transfers or application transfers to transferee. However we shall not in any case deal for commercial benefits use this Data about you. We shall put in place proper systems for security of such data entered by users and shall use reasonable diligence to ensure its privacy is secured and shall not result in breach of privacy of users However we are not responsible for any breach of data if the same is resulting not due to negligence on our part but due to some technical reasons. 8. Instructions: a) While in the process of using the application all the users must adhere to, understand and observe the following basic rules: • Usage of decent language in communicating via App/website or other mode. • Do not Post or cause to be posted any information which contains obscene content is strictly prohibited. • Do not use language which is in itself abusive, threatening or causing injury to reputation of any person. b) We shall when providing information from our end, ensure the correctness of the same. c) It is mandatory generally on the part of users to ensure that all the information displayed or uploaded in this application/website from your end is correct to their knowledge and there is no misrepresentation of facts or any attempts to engage in any dishonest and fraudulent act. 9. Disclaimers: a We reserve our right to change/alter/modify/add/delete or amend the rules of this policy without prior intimation however not at the prejudice to any person or in contradiction of any law for the time being in force. a There shall be not liability on us by reason of any fraud or misrepresentation or untrue statement or fraud played by any delivery person. a We commit ourselves to follow and observe highest codes of ethics in dealing with you and expect the same to be observed by all users and to be honest and fair. a Our services are not intended for and we do not direct them to any children below the age of 15 and that’s why we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 15 years. a The app is designed for families and not children. a This app requests access to sensitive permissions or data—which include certain functions like the camera or microphone, photos, gallery, audio etc. 10. Contact us: users are hereby called for to go through and provide assent to these terms of policy and be informed before availing services of this application. Users are advised at to not to use services offered in case of any disagreement. Please reach us in case of any query or reservation.